Beware the Hawk

Beware The Hawk novellaThe first installment in the tale of The Resistance, released by Vagabondage Press and available on Amazon.

Sure, being a courier for a secret, possibly terrorist society has its risks, but the pay was worth it. At least I thought it was until I was ordered to make a late-night run to Boston to meet an opium-addicted, vodka-addled contact, who blows the deal. Now I am being hunted as I hobble, injured through the streets of Beantown. When I discover a gun and my new assignment, I wonder if perhaps I made a bad career choice.

Praise for Beware the Hawk from reviewers:

“I was infected with a sense of paranoia while reading; looking carefully at every character for ulterior motives and agendas.” – Alexis Arendt,

“The climax is satisfying and dramatic, but it’s the surprise ending–which kept me guessing to the final words–that makes this story incredibly fun.” – Brooke Law,

“The dialogue is crisp, natural, and propels the story forward at a frenetic pace making the reader reluctant to put the book down. And then there is the pell-mell rush to the story’s climax that ends the only way it can end, but nonetheless comes as a complete surprise.” – Robert Sodaro,

“For a novella, Beware the Hawk is quite packed. There’s action, suspense and a little bit of almost-romance. And I liked that ending!” – Julie, Books and Insomnia
“…in a short time AJ O’Connell serves up a novel that is quite a hard boiled noir novel in the style of other great Bostonites such as Dennis Lehane.” – John Forrester, The Crime Scene

Beware the Hawk

Also, there are tee-shirts and things.